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Recent news (Previously on Home Page)


We began our Century Resources Fundraiser today! Our goal is to raise $2000 for new instruments, music, supplies and DISNEY 2016!  If the band program raises OVER $2000, they will get to dye Mrs. Wicklund's hair a crazy color!  Help us reach our goal by contacting any band student 6-12 to purchase a yummy treat or to simply donate to our cause!  

September 15   DISNEY 2016 INFORMATION!

The 2016 Disney Trip information is finally here!  I would like at least 40 students to attend with no more than 9 chaperones!  It's going to be MAGICAL! Click Mickey's head to go to the information page!


We perform NEXT SATURDAY in the Otsego Marching Invitational.  Find the information on the Raider Marching Band tab.  All marching members must be in attendance and all sport and work schedule conflicts must be worked out by the students.  GO RAIDER MARCHING BAND!

Audition for All Star Band! I amVERY excited to announce that this years guest conductor for the 2014 ASB is well-known composer and conductor Brian Balmages. Please take advantage of this amazing opportunity to perform with such a great ensemble and take the time to audition. We have PLAYED some of the pieces he has written!! This is almost a once in a lifetime opportunity! Go to the All Star Band website and download and print all audition forms and music.  Start practicing YESTERDAY :)  If you cannot print it yourself, please let Mrs. Wicklund know and she'd happily do it for you.  You WON'T want to miss this!


Student Audition Process:
1. Download/Print The Student Audition Process
2. Download/Print the Audition Form
2. Download/Print your audition music 
3. Get Practicing!
4. Record and submit your audition by Friday, October 10 - Mrs. W will record you!


Rehearsal and Performance Dates for All Star Band:

Monday, November 17 - Rehearsal 6:30-9:00 
Friday, November 21 - Rehearsal 9:00-5:00 
Saturday, November 22 - Rehearsal 10:30-1:30 
Saturday, November 23 - PERFORMANCE 2:00 

September 18   ALL STAR BAND (GRADES 9-12)

The call time for EVERY football game is 5:45pm in the band room.


The Raider Marching Band ROCKED the Gull Lake Invitational! 2nd Place overall with awards of excellence in marching, percussion, and color guard! They also received Best Colorguard and Best Marching!  Only .3 from FIRST PLACE! Keep up the great work and best of luck on Wednesday at Marching Band Festival in Paw Paw!

March 20 UPDATES!

1. The Mother's Day Breakfast was a great success! Thank you to those that worked, donated and came to eat!

2. The Spring Band Concert is this WEDNESDAY! 7pm! 

3. Marching band members perform twice on Memorial Day with a free lunch at the VFW! Information is going home TODAY!

4. MS band and HS band are performing at Graduation on May 28th. Information is also going home TODAY!


Sorry it's been a while for an update!  Here are some things that happened since January!


1. The HS band received a Division 1 at band festival!

2. The MS band received a Division 2 at band festival!

3. The Variety Show was on Friday, March 13th! It was a HUGE success! Below are winners!

     Junior Division

     First Place: Allison Mroczek -  Self Choreographed Clogging Routine 

     Second Place: Emma Madden - Taekwondo

     Third Place: Rachel & Katelyn Athey, Leah & Abby Baushke, and Kennedy Klimczak - Self                              Choreographed Acro Dance

      Senior Division

      First Place: Taylor Lutz - Singing and playing ukulele

      Second Place: Minh Ky - Piano

      Third Place: Nicole Samaroo - Modern Indian Dance


4. Cake rolls were sold! They will be delivered before Spring Break! Thank you for all of your suppport!

5. Abby Ward, Meghan Latham, McKenna Kusmack and Kennedy Klimczak are participating in the Middle School Honor band on Monday March 23 all day at Andrews University!

5. The next Disney payment is due March 30th! 

6. Mrs. Wicklund is having a baby!!!

Honor band information was handed out today in band!  It is not mandatory, however, it is a great opportunity for all that participate! You get to work with a great educator and play harder music!  The cost is $30.  If money is an issue, please let me know and I assist with the funds!  Encourage your MS student to participate!


Would you like to become better at sight reading? The link to the site (below) allows you to practice both rhythm (free) and melodic (membership fee) sight reading!  You can start easy and make it more difficult as you become better!  Challenge yourself today to become a better musician tomorrow!


Information and registration sheets are now available in the Davis, MS, and HS offices!  Pick yours up today and showcase your talents!


Auditions: Wednesday, February 25, 3:30-5:30pm

Dress Rehearsal: Thursday, March 12, 3:30 until finished

Show: Friday, March 13 at 7pm


Congratulations to Nora Hafez, Taylor Lutz, Nicholas Gerhold, Ryan Phillips, and Matt Worley for being accepted into All Star Band! All rehearsals and the concert is held at Bridgman High School.


Monday November 17th - 6:30-9pm

Friday November 21 - 9am-5pm (School transportation - you need a pre arranged absence)

Saturday November 22 - 10:30am-1:30pm

Saturday November 22 - CONCERT 2PM

NOVEMBER 7  All Star Band
October 6   6th Grade Practice Records 

All 6th Grade band students are required to complete weekly practice records.  They need to practice 75 minutes per week to receive an A.  Any minutes over 75 are extra credit!  Each record needs the minutes totaled, student's name, and a parent/guardian signature.  They are due the first day of the week the student has band (Monday/Tuesday). If they forget to turn it in, there is NO PENALTY for turning it in late.  The important thing is that they are practicing.  If a student does not turn it in by Friday, it will be logged as a zero until it is completed.  They are conveniently located on the 6th grade band page for printing! I do have copies in the band room.

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